What are the different types of CBD oil?

Full Spectrum CBD Oil vs Broad Spectrum CBD vs CBD Isolate

We regularly find the term "CBD oil" to refer to several products. A little overview to understand everything about all these terms. You can find our article to know everything about CBD oil However, the term "CBD oil" is not necessarily accurate because many CBD oil products contain several cannabinoids. The majority of CBD oil that you can get for medical and wellness purposes comes from the hemp plant. Hemp is full of elements, including CBD, but also other cannabinoids. We differentiate the types of CBD oils by their content of cannabinoids and other components.

There are three main types of oils:

  • Full Spectrum CBD Oil
  • Broad Spectrum CBD Oil
  • CBD isolate

What is the difference between broad-spectrum, full-spectrum AND CBD oil?

The difference between full-spectrum, broad-spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate is simply the content of chemical compounds found in each of the products.

Thus, full-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids and other plant compounds. While broad-spectrum CBD contains all cannabinoids and plant compounds other than THC.

Finally, CBD isolate contains only CBD and is often found in crystal or powder form.

What is CBD isolate?

Definition of CBD isolate

A CBD isolate contains only CBD (cannabidiol) and does not contain any other cannabinoids, terpenes or healthy fatty acids from the plant. Most companies sell the isolate in crystal or powder form, but some sell it in oil form.

It is made using the same extraction process as other CBD oils. The difference is that once the cannabinoids are extracted, the CBD is filtered. It then goes through a cooling process called "wintering", which removes all other chemical compounds.

The isolate is often used for spraying, and when it is in crystal or powder form, it is usually administered by putting it under the tongue. The advantages of isolate over other types of CBD are that it is usually cheaper and does not contain THC. The disadvantage is that you miss out on the benefits of the other components, which are present in full-spectrum CBD oil for example.

What is full-spectrum CBD oil?

Definition of Full Spectrum CBD Oil

Full-spectrum CBD oil is very different from CBD isolate. This is because this type of oil contains CBD and all the other cannabinoids (including THC), terpenes and fatty acids that are naturally present in the cannabis plant. Full-spectrum CBD is often referred to as a whole or complete plant extract.

In a full-spectrum extract, the oil goes through the process of extracting and filtering the cannabinoids, but none of the cannabinoids or other compounds are removed. Although full-spectrum CBD contains THC, it doesn't contain enough to get you high.

The advantage of a full-spectrum CBD oil is that many other chemical compounds and cannabinoids contained in a whole plant extract have healing properties. For example, the terpenes of the cannabis plant are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. Other cannabinoids found in a whole plant extract are thought to enhance the overall benefits of taking CBD.

What is broad-spectrum CBD oil?

Definition of broad-spectrum CBD

Broad-spectrum CBD oil is a trade-off between CBD isolates and full-spectrum CBD oils. It contains all cannabinoids and other chemical compounds except THC. It contains all the beneficial chemical compounds except THC. So it is likely that you will benefit from some of the beneficial effects of the other components.

Like its counterparts, broad-spectrum CBD oil goes through the normal extraction process. It is during the final stages of treatment that THC is removed from the extract. Broad-spectrum CBD oil is convenient in countries where the use of THC is illegal.