Cannabis sativa (hemp) originated in Asia and its use to produce fibers and make various textile products dates back to 4000 BC, while its traditional herbal use dates back to 2700 BC. According to popular knowledge, it has been attributed various properties, from its use in Ayurvedic medicine, as a food and its industrial use.
Composition of hemp seed oil
The production of hemp derivatives is subject to very strict regulations, and its process of extracting seeds and oil does not contain significant amounts of psychotropic substances (called THC, tetrahydrocannabinol), making it a perfect product for direct and safe consumption. Hemp is composed of cannabidiol (CBD), which has no psychoactive effects and has shown interesting properties for health.
It is important to note that AECOSAN confirms the following: "With regard to hemp-derived foods authorised to be marketed in the European Union, only those derived exclusively from hemp seeds, e.g. oil, hemp proteins, hemp flour, have a safe and significant consumption history, and provided that they are strains of Cannabis sativa L. with a tetrahydrocannabinol content of less than 0.2%".
Properties of hemp oil
The best hemp flowers can also be used as a superfood as its seeds contain large amounts of Omega 3 and Omega 6. Oils and other products can also be made from the seeds, and the varieties considered for these purposes are those that are free of THC.
The essential fatty acids linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid are components of the tissues of the nervous and cardiovascular system, as well as precursors of other important fatty acids: DHA-EPA and gamma-linolenic acid, respectively.
Hemp seeds can be eaten raw, ground in a meal, in hemp milk (similar to soy milk) and brewed in the form of tea.
The composition of omega 6 and omega 3 essential fatty acids (linoleic and α-linolenic acids) of hemp oil has positive effects on our body, especially on the cardiovascular system, on the metabolic process of glucose, on the immune system and as an anti-inflammatory effect.
The benefits of hemp oil on the cardiovascular system
EFSA (pending 4673) states that hemp seed oil is beneficial for the cardiovascular system and helps control cholesterol and triglyceride levels, due to the ratio of its Omega 3 and 6, which has been observed in studies that have determined a positive effect on the contractility of the heart and circulation.
The optimal ratio of Omega 6/Omega 3 essential fatty acids in hemp oil supports the immune system (EFSA pending 4675). A study conducted on 117 people showed that hemp oil reduced the duration of treatment by 8 days in cases of nose, throat and ear disorders, compared to standard treatments.
Anti-inflammatory effect of hemp oil
Hemp oil and its omega ratio exert an anti-inflammatory effect (EFSA pending 4676, 4677), which can help relieve muscle and osteoarticular conditions.
How to take hemp oil
It is recommended to consume hemp oil or raw, uncooked cannabis oil, because when subjected to high temperatures, its properties may vary.
CBD flower can be used as a regular element in food and added to dishes such as salads, pasta, rice, toast and even broths, giving a smell and taste similar to that of hazelnut. In short, to any recipe in order to increase the consumption of healthy omegas (Omega 3 and 6).